Critical care pharmacists improve patient-centered outcomes for patients in the ICU. Studies have demonstrated that a critical care pharmacist participating on interprofessional rounds in the ICU reduces adverse drug events by 70%. Critical care pharmacists reduce mortality and ICU length of stay all while improving the value of healthcare delivery (studies estimate up to a 25-to-1 return on investment for the addition of an ICU pharmacist. However, there is a significant gap in critical care pharmacist services in the United States (1 in 3 ICUs does not have a rounding pharmacist and most ICUs do not have a pharmacist present on rounds on weekends or holidays). Increasing critical care pharmacist services is a complex, multi-factorial process.
The purpose of this page is to provide a collated series of resources to justify more critical care pharmacist services including:
(1) a philosophy for approaching the creation of the Ideal Critical Care Pharmacist Practice Model
(2) a toolkit for immediately actionable steps
(3) publications associated with advancing critical care pharmacist practice
(4) a systemically developed library of studies supporting the importance of critical care pharmacists in ICU patient care
(5) other resources to support position justification.
If you have further questions, please reach out here.
Are you interested in advancing critical care pharmacist practice?
Philosophy for creating the Ideal Critical Care Pharmacist Practice Model.
This philosophy starts with a basic assumption: Anytime a patient takes a medication, a pharmacist can improve the outcome.
This philosophy is based on the substantial body of evidence (below) that critical care pharmacists are associated with improved patient-centered outcomes in the ICU.
This philosophy has one central question: How does critical care pharmacist workload affect the ability to improve patient outcomes?
The optimal workload is unknown for critical care pharmacists. That means that for patients that do receive care from a pharmacist, it is unknown whether they receive optimal care.
This question is important because (1) ICU physicians and nurses have identified workload amounts that are associated with improved outcomes, (2) we know not every ICU patient receives the care of a critical care pharmacist, and (3) we have reason to believe that we are not at the optimal workload for critical care pharmacists due to high rates of burn-out, attrition, and perceptions of unsafe care.
This philosophy has one central goal: Creating the Critical Care Pharmacist Practice Model.
Here are four proposed steps to developing this model:
1. Identify the stakeholders
2. Identify how a critical care pharmacist achieves optimal patient-centered outcomes while bringing high value to the institution
3. Delineate how optimized medication management results in improved patient-centered outcomes. (This foundational knowledge is required for workload prediction).
4. Incorporate a data-driven, metrics-based, and clinician-oriented approach
1. Identify the stakeholders:
Stakeholder Triad of Critical Care Pharmacist Practice Models: the ideal model, by definition, optimizes outcomes for the three key stakeholders including patients, institutions, and critical care pharmacists. In such a model, the best quality of patient care is provided at a high value to the institution while promoting clinician wellness and professional development.
2. Identify how a critical care pharmacist achieves optimal patient-centered outcomes while bringing high value to the institution:
Triple Domain of Critical Care Pharmacist Practice: the ideal model, by definition, incorporates the three established domains of how critical care pharmacists improve outcomes. These domains include direct patient care (e.g., attending interprofessional rounds), indirect patient care (e.g., implementing quality improvement protocols), and professional service (e.g., organizational educational initiatives). The Triple Domain of Critical Care Pharmacist Practice creates a Culture of Evidence-Based Medication Use.
3. Delineate how optimized medication management results in improved patient-centered outcomes. (This foundational knowledge is required for workload prediction):
Patient-Medication Optimization-Outcome Pathway: The Patient-Medication Optimization-Outcome Pathway is a theoretical construct that supports investigation into how medication optimization is an independent factor to ultimate patient outcomes. Moreover, it allows for careful analysis of the relative efficacy and safety differences among therapies.
4. Incorporate a data-driven, metrics-based, and clinician-oriented approach
To date, we have been unable to compare a critical care pharmacist practice model at one institution versus another and ascertain how these models affect patient-centered outcomes. Without the tools to robustly and quantitively compare models, we will be unable to identify pharmacists in the ICU.
To date, no single metric appears able to capture the holistic nature of what a pharmacist does. Yet, we know that “what gets measured, get’s improved” and that “what gets measured, gets managed.”
The research goal for the future is to identify metrics and prediction models that can quantitatively describe workload. Housed in a clinician-oriented dashboard that accurately captures workload associated with The Triple Domain of Critical Care Pharmacist Practice would allow us the capabilities to identify what models resulted in optimized outcomes.
2. Here is a toolkit of immediately actionable steps.
The “Toolkit for Increasing Critical Care Pharmacy Services” includes immediately actionable steps well-supported by current literature. The associated publication from Annals of the American Thoracic Society is available here.
3. MRC-ICU Investigator Team on Critical Care Pharmacist Practice Advancement:
Newsome SA. Smith SE. Jones TW. Taylor A. Van Berkel MA. Rabinovich M. A survey of critical care pharmacists to patient ratios and practice characteristics in intensive care units. 23 Jul 2019: 3(1): 68-74.
This survey provides self-reported pharmacist-to-patient ratios, job responsibilities, and perceptions by critical care pharmacists. Importantly, it shows a significant proportion of critical care pharmacists take care of high patient volumes and are concerned this reduces the quality of care provided.
Smith SE. Slaughter AA. Butler SA. Buckley MS. MacLaren R. Sikora Newsome A. Examination of critical care pharmacist work activities and burnout. 5 Feb 2021: 4(5): 554-569.
This survey provides self-reported perceptions of burn-out using a validated burn-out inventory. It observed high rates of burn-out due to current workloads and most importantly observed that participation in indirect patient care activities like quality improvement was protective against burn-out, which supports the important concept that pharmacists provide value as clinicians in both direct and indirect patient care activities.
Sikora Newsome A. Murray B. Smith SE. Brothers T. Al-Mamun MA. Chase AM. Rowe S. Buckley MS. Murphy D. Devlin JW. Optimization of critical care pharmacy clinical services: A gap analysis approach. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2021 Jun 1;zxab237. doi: 10.1093/ajhp/zxab237.Online ahead of print. PMID: 34061960.
This review provides an overview of the current critical care pharmacy services landscape, including current gaps in coverage and the ramifications of those gaps on patient care. It charts a course forward using a data-driven, metrics-based approach to ensure that each ICU patient receives the care of a critical care pharmacist.
Murray B. Buckley MS. Sikora Newsome A. Action Plan for Successful Implementation of Optimal ICU Pharmacist Activities: Next Steps for the Critical Care Pharmacist Position Paper. Crit Care Med. 2021 Feb 1;49(2):e199-e200. doi: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000004727. PMID: 33438981.
This brief commentary discusses the limitations of the current Position Statement on Critical Care Pharmacist services and is a call to action for focusing on optimizing implementation of pharmacists in the ICU.
Jones TW. Sikora Newsome A. Smith SE. Forehand CC. Interprofessional Shared Decision-Making: Who Is at the Table? Crit Care Med. 2020 Feb;48(2):e158-e159. doi: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000004029. PMID: 31939822.
This editorial discusses the role of ICU pharmacists as important members of the interprofessional shared decision making process.
Pharmacists Are Associated With Reduced Mortality in Critically Ill Patients: Now What? Crit Care Med. 2019 Dec;47(12):e1036-e1037. doi: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000003934. PMID: 31738261.
This editorial makes the argument for evaluating the incremental improvement of additional of pharmacist services in the ICU. It is a well-documented reality that ICU pharmacists improve care and are associated with reduced mortality. The discussion must now focus on optimization of those services.
Forehand CC. Fitton K. Keats K. Chase A. Smith SE. Sikora Newsome A. Productivity tracking: a survey of critical care pharmacist practices and satisfaction. Hospital Pharmacy. 2021.
This survey evaluated the current landscape of metrics associated with documenting pharmacist value and identified a gap between pharmacist activities and yearly evaluations.
Smith SE. Murray B. Sikora A. Authors’ reply. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2022 Mar 1;zxac067. DOI: 10.1093/ajhp/zxac067. PMID: 35230386.
This reply discusses the vital role of pharmacists as “agents of patient care” and focuses on the value pharmacists bring as clinicians.
Murray B. Sikora Newsome A. Avoiding cost avoidance. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2022 Jan 5;79(2):14-15. DOI: 10.1093/ajhp/zxab364. PMID: 34487144.
This editorial discusses the role of cost-avoidance as a metric to justify pharmacist services.
MRC-ICU Investigator Team Productivity.
Peer-Reviewed Publications Related to the MRC-ICU Score:
1. Gwynn ME, Poisson MO, Waller JL, Sikora Newsome A. Development and validation of a medication regimen complexity scoring tool for critically ill patients. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2019 May 17;76(Supplement_2):S34-S40. doi: 10.1093/ajhp/zxy054. PMID: 31067298.
2. Sikora Newsome A, Anderson D, Gwynn ME, Waller JL. Characterization of changes in medication complexity using a modified scoring tool. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2019 Nov 13;76(Supplement_4):S92-S95. doi: 10.1093/ajhp/zxz213. PMID: 31586396.
3. Sikora Newsome A, Smith SE, Olney WJ, Jones TW. Multicenter validation of a novel medication-regimen complexity scoring tool. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2020 Mar 5;77(6):474-478. doi: 10.1093/ajhp/zxz330. PMID: 34086844.
4. Al-Mamun MA, Brothers T, Sikora Newsome A. Development of Machine Learning Models to Validate a Medication Regimen Complexity Scoring Tool for Critically Ill Patients. Ann Pharmacother. 2021 Apr;55(4):421-429. doi: 10.1177/1060028020959042.Epub 2020 Sep 15. PMID: 32929977.
5. Olney WJ, Chase AM, Hannah SA, Smith SE, Sikora Newsome A. Medication Regimen Complexity Score as an Indicator of Fluid Balance in Critically Ill Patients. J Pharm Pract. 2021 Mar 9;897190021999792. doi: 10.1177/0897190021999792.Online ahead of print. PMID: 33685269.
6. Sikora Newsome A, Smith SE, Olney WJ, Jones TW, Forehand CC, Jun AH, Coppiano L. Medication regimen complexity is associated with pharmacist interventions and drug-drug interactions: A use of the novel MRC-ICU scoring tool. Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy. 2019 Jun 12; 3(1): 47-56.
7. Sikora A, Ayyala D, Rech M, Blackwell B, Campbell J, Caylor M, Condeni M, Depriest A, Dzierba A, Flannery A, Hamilton L, Heavner M, Horng M, Lam J, Liang E, Montero J, Murphy D, Plewa-Rusiecki A, Sacco A, Sacha G, Shah P, Smith M, Smith Z, Radosevich J, Vilella A, The MRC-ICU Investigator Team. Impact of pharmacists to improve patient care in the critically ill: A large multicenter analysis using meaningful metrics with the MRC-ICU. Crit Care Med 2022 Jun 10. doi: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000005585. PMID: 35678204.
8. Webb A, Rowe S, Sikora Newsome A. A descriptive report of the rapid implementation of automated MRC-ICU calculations in the EMR of an academic medical center. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2022 Feb 21;zxac059. DOI: 10.1093/ajhp/zxac059. PMID. 35187576.
9. Smith SE, Shelley R, Sikora Newsome A. Medication regimen complexity vs. patient acuity for predicting critical care pharmacist interventions. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2021 Dec 3;zxab460. DOI: 10.1093/ajhp/zxab460. PMID: 34864850.
Critical Care Pharmacy Practice Peer-Reviewed Publications:
1. Sikora A, Martin G. Critical care pharmacists: improving care by increasing access to medication expertise. Annals of the American Thoracic Society. 2022. [Accepted]
2. Newsome SA, Smith SE, Jones TW, Taylor A, Van Berkel MA, Rabinovich M. A survey of critical care pharmacists to patient ratios and practice characteristics in intensive care units. 23 Jul 2019: 3(1): 68-74.
3. Smith SE, Slaughter AA, Butler SA, Buckley MS, MacLaren R, Sikora Newsome A. Examination of critical care pharmacist work activities and burnout. 5 Feb 2021: 4(5): 554-569.
4. Sikora Newsome A, Murray B, Smith SE, Brothers T, Al-Mamun MA, Chase AM, Rowe S, Buckley MS, Murphy D, Devlin JW. Optimization of critical care pharmacy clinical services: A gap analysis approach. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2021 Jun 1;zxab237. doi: 10.1093/ajhp/zxab237.Online ahead of print. PMID: 34061960.
5. Murray B, Buckley MS, Sikora Newsome A. Action Plan for Successful Implementation of Optimal ICU Pharmacist Activities: Next Steps for the Critical Care Pharmacist Position Paper. Crit Care Med. 2021 Feb 1;49(2):e199-e200. doi: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000004727. PMID: 33438981.
6. Jones TW, Sikora Newsome A, Smith SE, Forehand CC. Interprofessional Shared Decision-Making: Who Is at the Table? Crit Care Med. 2020 Feb;48(2):e158-e159. doi: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000004029. PMID: 31939822.
7. Sikora A, Jones TW, Smith SE. Pharmacists Are Associated With Reduced Mortality in Critically Ill Patients: Now What? Crit Care Med. 2019 Dec;47(12):e1036-e1037. doi: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000003934. PMID: 31738261.
8. Forehand CC, Fitton K, Keats K, Chase A, Smith SE, Sikora Newsome A. Productivity tracking: a survey of critical care pharmacist practices and satisfaction. Hospital Pharmacy. 2021.
9. Smith SE, Murray B, Sikora A. Authors’ reply. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2022 Mar 1;zxac067. DOI: 10.1093/ajhp/zxac067. PMID: 35230386.
10. Murray B, Sikora Newsome A. Avoiding cost avoidance. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2022 Jan 5;79(2):14-15. DOI: 10.1093/ajhp/zxab364. PMID: 34487144.
11. Sikora A. Critical Care Pharmacists: A Focus on Horizons. Critical Care Clinics. 2023. [Accepted].
12. Sikora A. Critical Care Pharmacy: Our next thirty years. J Am Coll Clin Pharm. 2022. [Accepted].
Funded Grants: (total funding = $2,205,463)
1. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Machine learning validation of medication regimen complexity for critical care pharmacist resource prediction. PI: Andrea Sikora Newsome. Co-I: Ye Shen, Tianming Liu, Sheng Li, Susan Smith, David Murphy, Rishikan Kamaleswaran, Swaminathan Kandaswamy. R01HS029009. Duration: September 1 2022 – September 1 2027. $1,862,521.
2. UGA College of Pharmacy Foundation Funds “Seed Grant.” Artificial intelligence applied to medication regimen complexity for mechanical ventilation prediction in critically ill patients. $4,000. PI: Andrea Sikora. Duration: July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023.
3. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Machine learning validation of medication regimen complexity for critical care pharmacist resource prediction. PI: Andrea Sikora Newsome. Co-I: John Devlin, Susan Smith, David Murphy, Rishikan Kamaleswaran. 1R21HS028485. Duration: April 8 2022 – April 7 2024. $299,542.
4. University of Georgia. 2022 Teaming for Interdisciplinary Research Pre-Seed Program. Ye Shen (PI). Collaborating Investigators: Andrea Sikora, Susan Smith, Tianming Liu, Sheng Li. $2,400. Duration: January 2022 – December 2022.
5. National Institutes of Health Loan Repayment Program. Machine learning validation of medication regimen complexity for critical care pharmacist resource prediction. Andrea Sikora Newsome (PI). Duration: September 2021 – September 2023.
6. UGA College of Pharmacy Foundation Funds “Seed Grant.” Machine learning application of medication regimen complexity for ADR prediction. Andrea Sikora Newsome (PI). Collaborating Investigators: Susan Smith, Ye Shen. $7,000. Duration: July 2021 – June 2022.
7. ASHP Foundation Board of Directors “Optimizing Technology Innovation Grant.”
Machine learning validation of medication regimen complexity for critical care pharmacist resource prediction. Andrea Sikora Newsome (PI). Collaborating Investigators: Susan Smith, John Devlin, David Murphy, Brian Murray, Sandra Rowe, Mitchell Buckley. $30,000. Duration: June 2021 – June 2022.
8. Board of Pharmaceutical Specialties. Impact of board certification on quality of care provided by evening critical care pharmacist services. Timothy Jones (PI). Collaborating Investigators: Christy Forehand, Kelli Keats, Chase A, Andrea Sikora. $5,000 Duration: September 2022 – September 2023.
Other Scholarly Activities:
1. Sikora A, Jeong H, Yu M, Chen X, Murray B, Kamaleswaran R. Cluster analysis driven by unsupervised latent feature learning of intensive care unit medications to identify novel pharmaco-phenotypes of critically ill patients. Res Sq. 2022. doi:10.21203/
2. Sikora Newsome A. Characterization of Medication Regimen Complexity, Pharmacist Interventions, and Patient Outcomes in Critically Ill Patients. Edited by David Murphy, Emory Thesis and Dissertations, Emory University, 16 Apr. 2021.
Submitted Grants:
1. Society of Critical Care Medicine Weil Research Grant. Developing a common medication ontology for artificial intelligence. PI: Andrea Sikora. Co-I: Rishi Kamaleswaran, Kelli Keats. Submitted Fall 2022. (Not awarded).
2. American College of Clinical Pharmacy Foundation Futures Grant. A standardized medication library for ICU medications. PI: Kelli Keats. Senior Mentor: Andrea Sikora. Submitted Fall 2022. (Not awarded).
3. National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering Research Project Grant (NIBIB R01). Building medication data infrastructure for use in artificial intelligence applications in the intensive care unit. PI: Andrea Sikora. Consultants: Kelli Keats, Brian Murray. Submitted Spring 2023 (Under review).
Invited Presentations:
1. Sikora A. Future of Critical Care Pharmacy Practice Models. (October 2022). American College of Clinical Pharmacy International Conference. San Francisco, CA.
2. Sikora A. Artificial intelligence in critical care pharmacy. Length: 60 minutes. (2021). Northeastern Department of Pharmacy and Health Systems Sciences, School of Pharmacy. Skills in Research Elective. Course Coordinator: John Devlin, PharmD, FCCP, MCCM
3. Sikora A, Smith SE. Critical services of critical care pharmacists. Length: 60 minutes. (March 2022). Georgia Society of Health-System Pharmacists Spring Meeting. Savannah, GA.
4. Sikora A. Artificial intelligence to improve critical care pharmacist practice. (October 2022). New England Critical Care Symposium. Length: 60 minutes. Keynote Speaker.
Manuscripts under review/development by the MRC-ICU Investigator Team:
1. Machine learning and medication regimen complexity for fluid overload prediction
2. Common data model to standardize medication features for artificial intelligence
3. Association between medication regimen complexity, severity of illness, and ICU mortality
4. Pharmacophenotype identification via unsupervised, cluster analysis employing common data model of intensive care unit (ICU) medications
5. An assessment of intensive care unit clinical pharmacist-to-patient ratios: A time-motion observational study
Awards for MRC-ICU Related Work:
1. Blotske K, Wu Stephen, Keats K, Forehand C, Sikora A. Medication regimen complexity and medication errors. ACCP Annual Meeting. 2022. San Francisco, CA. (Awarded Student Travel Award to Blotske K).
2. Sikora A, Ayyala D, Rech M, Blackwell B, Campbell J, Caylor M, Condeni M, Depriest A, Dzierba A, Flannery A, Hamilton L, Heavner M, Horng M, Lam J, Liang E, Montero J, Murphy D, Plewa-Rusiecki A, Sacco A, Sacha G, Shah P, Smith M, Smith Z, Radosevich J, Vilella A, The MRC-ICU Investigator Team. Impact of pharmacists to improve patient care in the critically ill: A large multicenter analysis using meaningful metrics with the MRC-ICU. Critical Care Medicine. 2022. (ACCP Critical Care PRN Publication of the Year – 2022).
3. Smith SE, Sikora Newsome A. Comparison of Medication Regimen Complexity and Patient Acuity to Predict Pharmacist Interventions. Critical Care Medicine: January 2022 - Volume 50 - Issue 1 - p 609. DOI: 10.1097/01.ccm.0000811196.44849.52.[Awarded Congress Scholarship by Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacology Section, highest scoring abstract from CPP for 2022].
4. Forehand CC; Azimi H; Johnson L; Loudermilk E; H Alawuah; McKinley C; Chase A; Sikora Newsome A. Medication Regimen Complexity Score to Predict Inpatient Death in Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients. Critical Care Medicine: January 2022 - Volume 50 - Issue 1 - p 107. DOI: 10.1097/01.ccm.0000807304.99354.79. [Awarded Congress Scholarship by Internal Medicine Section].
5. Smith SE; MacLaren R; Buckley M; Slaughter A; Sikora Newsome A. Relationship between critical care clinical pharmacist activities and burnout syndrome. (2021, Feb). Critical Care Medicine: January 2021 - Volume 49 - Issue 1 - p 21. DOI: 10.1097/01.ccm.0000726192.71604.e2. [Star Research Achievement Award, SCCM CPP Section Congress Scholarship Recipient.]
6. Sikora Newsome A, Smith SE; UGA C3. Medication Regimen Complexity Predicts Pharmacist Workload: Use of the Novel MRC-ICU Scoring Tool. (2019, March 8). Georgia Society of Health-System Pharmacists Spring Meeting. Savannah GA. [Best Practitioner Poster Award.]
4. Creating a business plan for position justification.
Creating a pharmacist business plan:
Creating S-B-A-R for a pharmacist position:
5. Publications supporting the role of critical care pharmacists.
Click here for a citation list of publications (n=834) that support the role of critical care pharmacists.
This search was conducted in October 2022. Search terms are as follows:
("critical care"[MeSH] OR "critical illness"[MeSH]) AND
"Intensive Care Units"[Mesh] AND
"Pharmacists"[Mesh] OR "Pharmaceutical Services"[Mesh]
Combined with:
("intensive care"[Title/Abstract] OR "ICU"[Title/Abstract] OR "critical care"[Title/Abstract] OR "critical ill*"[Title/Abstract)] AND
("outcome*"[Title/Abstract] OR "protocol*"[Title/Abstract] OR "guideline*"[Title/Abstract] OR "improve*"[Title/Abstract]) AND
"pharmacist*"[Title/Abstract] OR “pharmacy-driven”[Title/Abstract]
Intensive Care Unit Professionals
Borges, M. L., et al. (2021). "Nursing workload associated with the frequency of multidisciplinary rounds: a cross-sectional study." Rev Bras Ter Intensiva 33(1): 82-87. [PubMed]
Donovan, A. L., et al. (2018). "Interprofessional Care and Teamwork in the ICU." Crit Care Med 46(6): 980-990. [PubMed]
Ervin, J. N., et al. (2018). "Teamwork in the intensive care unit." Am Psychol 73(4): 468-477. [PubMed]
Kleinpell, R., et al. (2019). "Choosing Wisely in Critical Care: Results of a National Survey From the Critical Care Societies Collaborative." Crit Care Med 47(3): 331-336. [PubMed]
Mahafzah, R., et al. (2021). "Awareness and Perception of Healthcare Providers about Proxy Consent in Critical Care Research." Crit Care Res Pract 2021: 7614517. [PubMed]
LeBlanc, J. M., et al. (2012). "Multiprofessional survey of protocol use in the intensive care unit." J Crit Care 27(6): 738.e739-717. [PubMed]
Reeves, S., et al. (2015). "Interprofessional collaboration and family member involvement in intensive care units: emerging themes from a multi-sited ethnography." J Interprof Care 29(3): 230-237. [PubMed]
Durbin, C. G., Jr. (2006). "Team model: advocating for the optimal method of care delivery in the intensive care unit." Crit Care Med 34(3 Suppl): S12-17. [PubMed]
Zampieri, F. G., et al. (2019). "ICU staffing feature phenotypes and their relationship with patients' outcomes: an unsupervised machine learning analysis." Intensive Care Med 45(11): 1599-1607. [PubMed]
McKenzie, M. G., et al. (2020). "Sensitizing the interdisciplinary team to desensitizations: An alemtuzumab case report." J Oncol Pharm Pract 26(3): 742-746. [PubMed]
Tamuz, M., et al. (2011). "Rethinking resident supervision to improve safety: from hierarchical to interprofessional models." J Hosp Med 6(8): 445-452. [PubMed]
Schmid, S., et al. (2022). "Interprofessional Collaboration between ICU Physicians, Staff Nurses, and Hospital Pharmacists Optimizes Antimicrobial Treatment and Improves Quality of Care and Economic Outcome." Antibiotics (Basel) 11(3). [PubMed]
O'Connor, C., et al. (2009). "The use of wireless e-mail to improve healthcare team communication." J Am Med Inform Assoc 16(5): 705-713. [PubMed]
Ewart, G. W., et al. (2004). "The critical care medicine crisis: a call for federal action: a white paper from the critical care professional societies." Chest 125(4): 1518-1521. [PubMed]
Dammeyer, J. A., et al. (2012). "Nurse-led change: a statewide multidisciplinary collaboration targeting intensive care unit delirium." Crit Care Nurs Q 35(1): 2-14. [PubMed]
Bordley, J., et al. (2018). "Use of a Novel, Electronic Health Record-Centered, Interprofessional ICU Rounding Simulation to Understand Latent Safety Issues." Crit Care Med 46(10): 1570-1576. [PubMed]
(1999). "Critical care services and personnel: recommendations based on a system of categorization into two levels of care. American College of Critical Care Medicine of the Society of Critical Care Medicine." Crit Care Med 27(2): 422-426. [PubMed]
Dodek, P. M. and J. Raboud (2003). "Explicit approach to rounds in an ICU improves communication and satisfaction of providers." Intensive Care Med 29(9): 1584-1588. [PubMed]
Costa, D. K., et al. (2014). "Facilitators of an interprofessional approach to care in medical and mixed medical/surgical ICUs: a multicenter qualitative study." Res Nurs Health 37(4): 326-335. [PubMed]
Costa, D. K., et al. (2015). "The Association Between Daytime Intensivist Physician Staffing and Mortality in the Context of Other ICU Organizational Practices: A Multicenter Cohort Study." Crit Care Med 43(11): 2275-2282. [PubMed]
Santos, G. F. D., et al. (2021). "Good practices for physical restraint in intensive care units: integrative review." Rev Bras Enferm 74(3): e20201166. [PubMed]
Taylor, A. and A. Sutherland (2016). "CLINICAL SUPERVISION - WHAT ABOUT THE SPECIALIST TRAINEES?" Arch Dis Child 101(9): e2. [PubMed]
Kelm, D. J., et al. (2018). "Mindfulness Meditation and Interprofessional Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: A Mixed-Methods Pilot Study." Teach Learn Med 30(4): 433-443. [PubMed]
Bowman, M. A., et al. (2018). "Interventions Must Be Realistic to Be Useful and Completed in Family Medicine." J Am Board Fam Med 31(1): 1-4. [PubMed]
Rodriguez, A., et al. (2014). "Best Practices for Interdisciplinary Care Management by Hospital Glycemic Teams: Results of a Society of Hospital Medicine Survey Among 19 U.S. Hospitals." Diabetes Spectr 27(3): 197-206. [PubMed]
Horwitz, L. I., et al. (2007). "Changes in outcomes for internal medicine inpatients after work-hour regulations." Ann Intern Med 147(2): 97-103. [PubMed]
Colbenson, G. A., et al. (2021). "Examining Burnout in Interprofessional Intensive Care Unit Clinicians Using Qualitative Analysis." Am J Crit Care 30(5): 391-396. [PubMed]
Moll, V., et al. (2022). "The Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic Impacts Burnout Syndrome Differently Among Multiprofessional Critical Care Clinicians-A Longitudinal Survey Study." Crit Care Med 50(3): 440-448. [PubMed]
Olley, B. O. (2003). "A comparative study of burnout syndrome among health professionals in a Nigerian teaching hospital." Afr J Med Med Sci 32(3): 297-302. [PubMed]
Fanari, Z., et al. (2016). "Impact of a Multidisciplinary Team Approach Including an Intensivist on the Outcomes of Critically Ill Patients in the Cardiac Care Unit." Mayo Clin Proc 91(12): 1727-1734. [PubMed]
The Role of the Critical Care Pharmacist
Lee, H., et al. (2019). "Impact on Patient Outcomes of Pharmacist Participation in Multidisciplinary Critical Care Teams: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis." Crit Care Med 47(9): 1243-1250. [PubMed]
Stollings, J. L., et al. (2018). "Critical Care Pharmacists and Medication Management in an ICU Recovery Center." Ann Pharmacother 52(8): 713-723. [PubMed]
Arredondo, E., et al. (2021). "Role of Clinical Pharmacists in Intensive Care Units." Cureus 13(9): e17929. [PubMed]
Mohiuddin, A. K. (2019). "Pharmacists in Critical Care." Innov Pharm 10(1). [Pubmed]
Chiang, L. H., et al. (2021). "Clinical pharmacy interventions in intensive care unit patients." J Clin Pharm Ther 46(1): 128-133. [PubMed]
Franco Sereno, M. T., et al. (2018). "Pharmacist Adscription To Intensive Care: Generating Synergies." Med Intensiva (Engl Ed) 42(9): 534-540. [PubMed]
MacTavish, P., et al. (2019). "Impact of a pharmacist intervention at an intensive care rehabilitation clinic." BMJ Open Qual 8(3): e000580. [PubMed]
Preslaski, C. R., et al. (2013). "Pharmacist contributions as members of the multidisciplinary ICU team." Chest 144(5): 1687-1695. [PubMed]
Jurado, L. V. and J. D. Steelman (2013). "The role of the pharmacist in the intensive care unit." Crit Care Nurs Q 36(4): 407-414.[PubMed]
Horn, E. and J. Jacobi (2006). "The critical care clinical pharmacist: evolution of an essential team member." Crit Care Med 34(3 Suppl): S46-51. [PubMed]
Sikora, A., et al. (2022). "Impact of Pharmacists to Improve Patient Care in the Critically Ill: A Large Multicenter Analysis Using Meaningful Metrics With the Medication Regimen Complexity-ICU (MRC-ICU) Score." Crit Care Med 50(9): 1318-1328. [PubMed]
Forehand, C. C., et al. (2022). "Productivity Tracking: A Survey of Critical Care Pharmacist Practices and Satisfaction." Hosp Pharm 57(2): 273-280. [PubMed]
Schmidt, L. E., et al. (2020). "The pharmacist's role in implementation of the ABCDEF bundle into clinical practice." Am J Health Syst Pharm 77(21): 1751-1762. [PubMed]
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Pharmacists and Medication Safety in the ICU
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Drug Shortages
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Hughes, K. M., et al. (2015). "Impact of a Drug Shortage on Medication Errors and Clinical Outcomes in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit." J Pediatr Pharmacol Ther 20(6): 453-461. [PubMed]
Pharmacist’s Management of Delirium, Analgesics and Sedatives
Campbell, N. L., et al. (2019). "Deprescribing in the Pharmacologic Management of Delirium: A Randomized Trial in the Intensive Care Unit." J Am Geriatr Soc 67(4): 695-702 [Pubmed]
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Schickli, M. A., et al. (2017). "Pharmacy-Driven Dexmedetomidine Stewardship and Appropriate Use Guidelines in a Community Hospital Setting." Ann Pharmacother 51(1): 27-32. [PubMed]
Erstad, B. L. (2019). "Attempts to Limit Opioid Prescribing in Critically Ill Patients: Not So Easy, Not So Fast." Ann Pharmacother 53(7): 716-725. [PubMed]
Zoremba, N., et al. (2018). "[Delirium in intensive care patients : A multiprofessional challenge]." Anaesthesist 67(11): 811-820. [PubMed]
Hahn, L., et al. (2013). "Pharmacist-developed sedation protocol and impact on ventilator days." J Pharm Pract 26(4): 406-408. [PubMed]
Maison, O., et al. (2020). "Compliance with sedation analgesia protocols: Do clinical pharmacists have an impact?" J Clin Pharm Ther 45(1): 59-64[PubMed]
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Devlin, J. W. and S. A. Nasraway, Jr. (2008). "Reversing oversedation in the intensive care unit: the role of pharmacists in energizing guideline efforts and overcoming protocol fatigue." Crit Care Med 36(2): 626-628. [PubMed]
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Pharmacist’s Role in Infectious Disease Stewardship
Ibrahim, K. H., et al. (2001). "Intensive care unit antimicrobial resistance and the role of the pharmacist." Crit Care Med 29(4 Suppl): N108-113. [PubMed]
Leache, L., et al. (2020). "Clinical and economic impact of clinical pharmacist interventions regarding antimicrobials on critically ill patients." Res Social Adm Pharm 16(9): 1285-1289. [PubMed]
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